Group ICA Of EEG Toolbox (EEGIFT)

EEGIFT is based on research work by Dr. Vince Calhoun and Dr. Tom Eichele. EEGIFT is an application supported by the NIH under grant 1RO1EB000840 to Dr. Vince Calhoun. It is a MATLAB toolbox which implements multiple algorithms for independent component analysis and blind source separation of group (and single subject)electro encephalogram data. EEGIFT works on MATLAB 6.5 and higher. Many ICA algorithms were generously contributed by Dr. Andrzej Cichocki. These are also available in Dr. Cichocki’sICALAB toolbox. For any question or comments please contact Vince Calhoun (,Tom Eichele ( or Srinivas Rachakonda ( ).

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